Safety & COVID-19: What We’re Doing to Protect You

I know it is mentally taxing to see COVID updates and protocols everywhere you look, but I wanted you to know that I’m doing everything I can to keep you and the Bruce County community safe and protected. In this post you’ll see the clinic’s check-in procedures, cleaning policies, and the steps I’ve taken to learn more about COVID-19.

-Dr. B

Dr. B Bruce Village Chiropractic

Arriving at Your Appointment

  1. Before your appointment:
    Two hours before your scheduled appointment time you will receive an email from the JaneApp with a COVID-19 screen. This screening tool is required for all patients before they arrive for their appointment.

  2. Arriving for your appointment:
    Once you arrive for your appointment, please check in using the JaneApp check-in feature, available at (this link is in your appointment confirmation email) or at the QR code that is on the clinic door. For more help with how to check in with Jane, please see their help page here.
    In addition, please text the clinic number, 519-389-7078, with your initials and appointment time so we can let you know when your room is ready for you.

  3. Arriving at the clinic door:
    We will text you at your preferred contact number that once your room is ready for you. Please approach the clinic door and knock. The clinic door will be locked so we can maintain proper physical distancing in our administrative area. Dr. B will open the door for you and once again ask you COVID-19 screening questions. Please be patient as screening and its documentation is required by chiropractic licensing bodies.

  4. Entering clinic:
    When you arrive in the building you will be asked to perform hand hygiene. There is also a bathroom for hand washing immediately to your left when you arrive in the administrative area, or if you prefer, hand sanitizer is also provided.

  5. Contact tracing:
    We ask that you come alone to your appointment, unless you are a guardian of a patient, require a translator, or otherwise require another person in the room (please contact us if you have questions). If any other individual other than the patient is in the clinic at the time of your appointment, we will ask for their contact information for contact tracing.

Thank you very much for your patience as we’re navigating opening a new clinic and using a shared space during these challenging times. If you have any questions at all during your check-in process, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Other Safety Precautions:

During Your Appointment

  1. Use of Personal Protective Equipment by the doctor:
    Dr. B will be wearing a medical grade mask at all times during your appointment. Depending on the areas of complaint, treatments performed, and latest guidelines from Public Health Ontario, or the chiropractic licensing bodies, Dr. B may also wear gloves or goggles.

  2. Use of Personal Protective Equipment by the patient:
    We ask that you wear a reusable cloth mask or disposable mask at all times during your visit. Please understand that we see a diverse population of patients in our shared space and everyone’s safety is of high priority to us.

  3. Hand hygiene:
    Dr. B will perform hand hygiene regularly during the appointment. She also performs hand hygiene when meeting you at the door for your appointment and after you leave. If she touches an item that is not sanitized between patients, she will perform hand hygiene.
    We ask that you, the patient, perform hand hygiene upon entering the building and before you leave.

After Your Appointment: Cleaning Procedures

  1. Appointment timing:
    All appointments are scheduled to leave 10 minute windows for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces and equipment between patients.

  2. Surface and equipment cleaning and disinfecting:
    All hard surfaces, treatment surfaces, treatment tools, diagnostic equipment, stools, and other surfaces contacted by patient or practitioner are disinfected with Health Canada approved disinfecting products between patients. Other high contact surfaces such as door handles and light switches are disinfected at regular intervals.

  3. Payment methods:
    We are strongly encouraging the use of contactless payment methods. We accept online credit card payments as well as e-transfers. We do not have a payment terminal at this time.

Reviewing the Latest Information

Dr. B is regularly reviewing the most recent information provided to members of the public and healthcare providers through the chiropractic licensing body, Public Health Ontario, Health Canada, and the World Health Organization.

If you have screened positive for COVID

Your musculoskeletal health is still important!!

Please call the clinic as soon as you can to make alternative arrangements for your care. We offer telehealth (online) appointments, and Dr. B is more than happy to provide a complimentary phone consultation to decide the next steps that best serve you.


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Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.